Scorpion GodPlayership

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Militia Captain
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EDIT: Called Taipan GodShip from V4.

I use GodMOD a lot for mod testing but it's reaching a stage where it is no longer fully compatible with the lastest versions of Transcendence and is causing errors.

So I thought I'd try and make a ship which did the things I use most in GodMOD which hopefully won't be full of bugs. It also means I don't have to upgrade the playership everytime I start a new game.

Presenting the Scorpion GodPlayership.

I chose the Scorpion because it looks really good and is fairly manoeuvrable.

ATM it has Light Iocrym armor, Iocrym Veil, Hyperion reactor, Megadrive and an IM90 and Ares Plasma Archcannon which have been '+Fast'ed to the max. This is quite a fun setup, but is there primarily so when you gate directly to Outer Realm systems you don't get one-shot killed while trying out your new station and so it doesn't take long to get rid of randomEncounter enemies which can get annoying.
It also has the targeting computer and visual display enhancement installed as well as a Mil and BM ID in the hold.

The only god feature presently working is 'Map System' which shows every station (friendly or enemy) in a system. It's also pretty rough code-wise being a work-in-progress and hasn't got many comments for modders but that will get better over time.

Feedback, suggestions and tips all greatly appreciated. I've pretty much reached my limit of code knowledge with this so everything from here is full-on learning. And if anyone has an armor HUD for the Scorpion made up could I use that, please, otherwise I'll put a black border around the image I'm using and resize it to fit. That's about the limit of my graphics ability.

On the list to do:
Travel System: Lets you choose a station in the current system and Jump directly to it.
Restore: which will bring all ship items back to 100% condition. (Note: must leave enhancements on weapons)
Gate to: this will be a list of all systems in the game which you can instantly gate to wherever you are.

Long term:
Install items (including armor)
Enhance items.

I've also started on a text list of criteria for certain functions because I can never find them when I want them. If this goes in with the playership .xml I'll always know where to look.

Thanks already to gunship256 (playership code) and PM (enhancement code).
Obviously thanks to alterecco and TVR for GodMOD,
And as always thanks to George for a great game and a great looking ship.
Criteria list.txt
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Last edited by relanat on Sun May 13, 2018 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Next version.

Restore is working, straight from the rpgRestorePlayer lambda.
Galaxy mapping is now included in system mapping. Map one system and the galaxy is known.

Need to fiddle with a few things on the ship.
Get the travel options sorted. (I'm starting to dislike "Numeral expected".)
Filter turrets from the station list.
Last edited by relanat on Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Polished the playership code. Now with circular HUDs, thanks to xephyr for posting that info.
More features now working (lots more not working :lol:)
No additional images needed for this mod because a HeroImage is in the game already.
Started mucking about with <DockscreenDisplay> so the dockscreen background is now black (not sure why).

Now with:
In-system travel to friendly stations.
Jump between systems wherever you are.
Repair/replace armor and install/remove devices.
And get any weapon or armor you want and install it or put it in your hold (more items to come).
Scorpion GodPlayership.xml
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
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Dock services inside the player ship now working thanks to info from Arkheias.
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Scorpion GodPlayership modulised.xml
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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And due to a 3 file attach limit, (apparently) the final module. Looks like I need to demodulise it for forum usage. And it was my first module success too. :lol:
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Been a while, I stopped posting here until the mod was useful enough to put on xelerus.

Dock services now work, thanks Arkheias, but still need a filter criteria for Install. Repair/damage working on installed devices, but enhancements get deleted.
Restore fixes internals, thanks AP (see the Interior Design mod), and removes pteravores as well.

The playership dockscreens have different color texts and backgrounds. Nice ability added by George recently.
Also changed the reactor, weapon and armor display colors just for something different.

Items can be created, installed or identified. The item lists still need a bit of refining though.
And ships and stations can be created (with a few exceptions that don't work).

Need to add rankings and enhancements.

Removing the (eq (objGetType gPlayership) &scD789ScorpionGodPlayership;) condition in OnGlobalPaneInit will give all playerships in a game the god features. I found this handy when looking at other mods.
Last edited by relanat on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Here's a version for use in VOTG. It is very rough and hasn't been tested much so don't expect everything to work. Find station certainly doesn't.
But still fun if you want to zip around and have a look at everything.

And apparently you can attach .zip files to the forum as well! I had done this before but so long ago I'd forgotten.
Scorpion GodPlayership
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Version 2 now on xelerus.

Added the ability to place a text marker on the system map. Thanks to Bobby for the code from Captain's Log/Shiplog mod.
Also "Find Stations and Ships" which finds objects using unvFindObject and gives the option to jump to the system where the object is. Thanks to 0xABCDEF for "sortByLambda".
And ranks; Korolov, Black Market, Militia and Fleet ranks can now be set.

The system travel list now has enemy stations listed after all the friendly stations.
Added a "Go to End of List" dockscreen action to some screens because mod additions usually appear at the bottom of lists.

The item criteria have been expanded but still aren't perfect. Needs a search function. But there's a vacant action on the last page for custom selections.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
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Version 3 now on xelerus.

Changes to the Korolov ranking code means this version doesn't work in 1.7 (V2 may not have either, I don't think I checked!). Requires 1.8a3 (API 38) but will probably work in 1.8a2 if you change the APIVersion=.

Not much change but the the Create items section now has a search function thanks to NMS's code help. Type part of the item name into the text entry box to get a list of items with that text in their names. eg 'tev' gives the three Tev 9 weapons as well as light Tevlar armor to choose from.

The intra-system travel now has ships with docking ports in the list. This should work for Benedict and his friends as well as CSCs.

Thanks to digdug and NMS for the dec to hex converting functions. (mathDecToHex is now in the Globals section for use in the debug console).

Annoyingly, installing armor from the items section undocks you to the dock services section. I'm getting to it.
And the system mapping actions reset themselves sometimes. It doesn't appear to affect anything because I think it is new ships arriving in the system doing it.

The usual thanks to the dozens of people who have helped.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Version 4 on xelerus but now called the Taipan GodShip with a great ship image by Xephyr.

Works in 1.8b1 and higher.
Uses 'unvEntity' and optional libraries code.

Changed name from GodPlayership to GodShip mainly because it was too much work typing the longer name!
Increased maximum speed to 0.50. Increased maxArmor= to 100. Added 'shipBroker' and 'commonwealth' attribute and set ship level to 2 to allow it to show in Starton Dry Dock Ship Broker.

Changed to Taipan image. An example of Xephyr's great work. This and other images can be found here
Changed dockscreen background. Yep, another by Xephyr. More stuff here:

Added an Eternity Port variant using optional libraries code. This will automatically load as a playership for EP without generating errors. It is the same ship with the same features.

Code: Select all

libraryCriteria=	"+&unidNearStarsVol01;;"
added to the ShipClass code.
The EP '00900000_PlayerShip' attribute added and SOTP '00200000_PlayerShip' attribute removed.

Code: Select all

startingSystem=	"Kibo"
startingPos=		"Start"
added to PlayerSettings in the ShipClass code.
I may not be using this code correctly because both versions of the playership are loaded (but not available as a playership) in SOTP and EP. I'll figure it out eventually!

Added "Damage" action to armor in Ship Dock Services. Sets damage on the selected armor segment to 50%.

In-system travel station list now shows stargates, then ships with docking ports, then friendly stations in alphabetical order and then enemy stations in alphabetical order. Previously there was no alphabetical sorting.
In 1.8b1, for some reason, Molotok Bounty Hunters come up as ships with docking ports. I have no idea why. Just ignore it.
Also added a search by keyword screen to in-system travel. Enter full or partial name of the station you want to travel to.
Galaxy travel also now has a search for system name option.

Added an option to show all items to the 'Item Keyword Search' function.

Create and Find Object lists now sorted alphabetically.
Most of the code changed in Find Objects to show more info in lists, replace global variables, reduce list sizes and add a search option.
Find Object now highlights the closest object to the playership on system entry.
Find Ships is now one screen containing all ships, friendly and enemy, and has an option to search by ship name.
All lists have sovereign/defaultSovereign and UNID data added. Thanks to those that helped with the code.

Replaced 'Ranks' action with 'Player Settings' action.
This includes the existing Rank setting dockscreens.
Domina ranks added, I didn't know they existed until I checked out JBW's permadeath games. Ty, Canon JBW.
Also added Currency dockscreen where you can set player Credit and Rin balances. (Only credits and rin so far, more to come.)
And Equipment dockscreen where you can install and uninstall the targeting and trading computer, visual display enhancement and autopilot.

Possibly fixed the 'Map System' glitch where the actions were resetting sometimes.

Removed mathDecToHex as it is now included in the game code.

Thanks to Xephyr and RPC. Also NMS, 0xABCDEF, AP, JBW, gc, sjf, digdug, Derakon and AdmiralZo. Plus anyone else I've forgotten. And George for a great game.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Next version, V5, mainly to fix the duplicate actions appearing in the Ship's Interior screen due to game code changes.

Finally got the optional EP ShipClass sorted. SOTP will give only the base version. EP loads the EP variant.

Removed usesXML="true" as it is no longer needed in game versions of API 37 (1.8a2) and higher. (h/t NMS).

Added DigaRW's targeting module.
Can add other ships as wingmen.
Allows checking some of the stats and all of the items (installed or not) on the ship that is targeted by the player ship.
Also allows some orders to be given to the targeted ship.
Target sovereign can be changed.
Restore target ship.
And one click destroying of the targeted ship.

"Travel Entire Galaxy" feature added. A straight copy of the GodMOD code (one line of code changed). It automatically gates the playership through every system in the game. Very useful for checking topology mods.

Ranks dockscreen and some others changed to new language guidelines.
Currency screen now shows all currencies. Thanks to NMS for code.

Added cargo hold count to Items dockscreens.

Find and Create Object dockscreens now all use the same screens.
So 'Search' is now possible in 'Create' screens.
Find Objects now highlights all objects of the selected type on system entry.
Option to indicate all of the objects if they are in the current system.
"Search By Sovereign Name" and "Search By Entity UNID" actions added to all object screens.

Added 'All Globals to Debug Screen' action. Prints a list of global variables to the debug screen to help clean up (my) messy code. Code from AP and NMS.

Be aware that the ship orders section of Targets is unfinished. Ships show a tendency to gate if something isn't right and there seems to be a lot of conditions for different orders that I'm still working out.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
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