CSC EUROPA- From the Motivation

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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 121
Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:19 am

NOTE: Hey everyone. This is a small parallel episode to my already running Fanfic - The Motivation. You'll need to read the Motivation if you wish to understand some of the characters and story-lines of this episode. However for those who cannot afford the time to read The Motivation, I've tried my best to explain some of it's characters here too. Hope you like reading it!

Addressed to:
Admiral Conrad Decker
C.S.C TERRA Commonwealth Fleet.

1500hrs Incandescence hours.
Point Juno System
In the brilliant kaleidoscope of lights in space, a dark pitch black anomaly (the size of a small planet) appears. Suddenly an entire swarm of Britannia Heavy Gunships appears out of the anomaly and immediately behind it a humongous Star-ship Carrier. Four massive star-ship launch platforms flanked it with an equally large island building in the middle.


A battle worn Star-ship Carrier floated deep in space. Teams of repair droids tended to the very minor damages caused to the ship while others repaired Britannia and Centurion gunships parked neatly on the four spanning decks.
"Well, that was hardly a battle eh Matty?" laughed Rear Admiral (upper half) Frederick "Stinger" Watson to his Lieutenant Commander in a highly accented Scottish English. Lieutenant Commander Matthew Phillips, a young and brilliant African-American man in Naval-white uniform, looked on proudly at this commander. "Sir with you in command? It's always a walk in the park" he replied enthusiastically.
The two men surveyed their circular bridge while behind them teams of officers manned numerous computer and radar screens.
Above and below the stupendous Star-Carrier, flew squadrons of the Britannia heavy gunships- all armed to the teeth with Katana Star Cannons and deadly XM-900 Thermonuclear missiles. The carrier itself also packed a deadly punch- 4 omnidirectional Tev-9 Blasters, N.A.M.I Heavy Launchers- the works.

Admiral Frederick Watson was by no means the 'cream of the crop' in the Commonwealth fleet. He came from a very humble background, having started his career as a small time escort pilot for the Commonwealth Militia. He worked his way up the hierarchy with a determination that could be seconded by none other than himself. His assiduous efforts eventually landed him the prestigious honor of serving with Admiral Decker as a Fleet Commodore and after several more years of distinguished service he was given command of the newly commissioned C.S.C Europa - considered by many as the jewel of the Commonwealth Star-ships.
On the Europa he developed a strong emotional bond with his crew- all five thousand men and women. Everyone from the janitors to the Admiral himself was treated with equal respect, ate the same food and on the same tables. He even went to have fully operational sports decks, cinema halls and swimming pools installed on the ship- luxuries that even some highly ranking officers of other ships couldn't afford while on station. This unique bond with his crew enabled Watson to accomplish missions that could easily have been written off as 'impossible'. His crewmen were willing to die for their commander and their ship and thus each one participated actively in the Admiral's highly aggressive and often forceful war tactics- which eventually earned him the nickname- 'The Stinger'

The Europa floated silently towards the Point Juno Star-gate, having just obliterated the last stronghold of the Charon Pirates. Expunging minor threats in the lower systems however, was not a task for the Europa. She was tasked to intercept an alien device which could be used as the fusion trigger for one of the deadliest weapons ever to be created by mankind- the Lamplighter Arc-cannon. The Europa carried with her an intricately built prototype of the fiendish weapon and was to test it on some Ares Communes in Point Juno- a commission given by none other than Supreme Commander of the Commonwealth, General Roland James Anderson- more notoriously known to every living human being as 'The Boss'.
"How is the cargo looking Matty?" asked the Admiral.
"The scientists have already installed the fusion triggers sir; she'll be ready for a first firing within a few days." replied lieutenant.
"Point Juno Star-gate ahead. Prepare the crew to warp." he called back.
The ship immediately disintegrated into Tachyons and blasted into the wormhole chamber. The Star-gates (Einstein-Rosen Bridges) were large spatial anomalies created by ancient alien civilizations by manipulating nomadic black-holes with complex anti-gravity super-structures that used anti-matter and dark energy to control the immense gravity. They had the ability to bend and stretch space-time in such a manner that distances that would normally take thousands of light years to cover could be reached within a few hours. The Europa, with her advanced Hyperion F.T.L drives, brought that time down to around fifteen seconds, however this drained the hyper-drives dramatically and it took almost five full days for the ship to be able to warp again.

The large Star-ship Carrier entered out of the Star-gate and into the Point Juno System. The Point Juno system was home to the largest Commonwealth supply base- Point Juno. It was plagued with large plasma clouds that made long distance communication very difficult and blurred radar screens. Only the most advanced military ships had systems powerful enough to counter the clouds.
The Europa had already loaded up with supplies and therefore was not required to dock with the supply base- they were headed towards a known Ares Shipyard that was producing the irksome Sandstorms and the somewhat deadlier Tundras.
The Admiral maneuvered the ship towards the last noted direction of the Ares shipyard. The Europa, like all of her star-carrier kind, was painstakingly slow without her jump-drives. Her average speed topped at around 15000 miles an hour which was snail speed compared to her Britannia and Centurion X squadrons. Her task was relatively simple, come within striking range of the Lamplighter and test fire it and buzz off. A single strike from the Lamplighter would be enough to destroy most of the surrounding ships and any that escaped would become Britannia fodder.
The ship slugged along slowly when suddenly the radio began to act up.
"Sir, we've tracked some Ares ships heading in our direction!" the Comm officer reported to her commander.
"What? What kind of ships?" the Admiral asked.
"They appear to be Sandstorms sir. They're sending encrypted messages. Patching them through to you now sir." she replied anxiously.

The Admiral and his staff gathered around the large comm screen and the image of a old man wearing pilot's oxygen masks appeared.
"Attention Commonwealth ship. This is Orion flight of the Ares Orthodoxy; we know very well of your cargo and your intentions! You are hereby ordered to surrender it to the Ares or face brutal death!" the pilot declared to a bewildered Admiral and his crew. The admiral turned to his crew and looked at them.
"They must have been tracking us sir, but how did they know about the Lamp-lighter?" the young lieutenant asked.
"I have no idea but I'm not gonna take chances. Shift the lamplighter to the weapons vault now and maintain course to enemy shipyard. We'll take her out when we're within range." the Admiral appeared concerned and his crew shared the feeling. The Admiral looked back at the screen and pressed the comm switch.
"Attention Ares scum. Are you scared of death young pilot tah!?" the Admiral asked mockingly.
"We fear nothing! Hand over the weapon Admiral Watson or I'll be asking you and your crew that same question!" the Sandstorm pilot blasted back. The Admiral looked at the lieutenant. "Blast them."

The lieutenant immediately ordered a single volley of the carrier's deadly Tev-9 blasters. The green particle beams vanished into the distance and within seconds the two red blips on the radar disappeared but to the sheer horror of the officers the image of the pilot remained on the screen.
"Small sacrifices for a greater cause Admiral Watson. Don't say I didn't warn you. Round one! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! " the pilot took off his mask and got up from his seat. Within seconds hundreds of red blips appeared on the radar screen from all directions.
"Sir! We're tracking Sandstorms, Chasms and Tundras inbound and beaming!" The comm officer screamed. Alarm bells began to ring throughout the ship and everyone ran haphazardly to their battle stations.
"Launch the Britannia squadrons now! Blast em out of space!" the Admiral ordered.

The Admiral had barely finished speaking when the squadrons of around fifty Britannia Gunships and Centurions immediately took to space.
"Blue team space-borne!", "Red team space-borne!" "Gold team space borne" Silver team is space-borne!", "Tigers are Airborne!", "Gorilla team is in the zone!", "Hornet's Nest, Wildcats space-borne!" the gunships called in and headed towards in the incoming ships.
The Tundras launched their barrage of micro-nukes but the carrier's active defense systems blasted them before any could reach. The Tev-9 blasters fired in all directions and supported the gunships.
The ship was eventually swarmed by hundreds more of the copper colored Ares ships and chaos prevailed in all directions. The Centurions and Britannia gunships fought hard against the enemy but were quick to report their first casualties.
"This Gold leader, Gold 4 and 5 just got hit! Did anyone see an ejection pod?" the Centurion leader reported.
"Negative! No ejection pod. We have pilots down!"
"Nest, I've lost Gorilla 2. He's ejecting towards the ship."
"The Tundra's are launching @#$! nukes! I just lost my entire team! I'm on fire but I'm not gonna eject! I'm going home with my team. Tell Tamina I love her!"
"Tiger 2 assume control of Tiger flight. It's been an honor gentlemen."
The casualties began to pile up and ejection pods began pour into the ship. The Ares were honorable thus never targeted ejecting pilots but many of the pods became unintentional victims of nuke blasts hitting the ship. The ship eventually began to take damage but they abstained from contacting Point Juno - the last thing they wanted was the Ares to track the signal and attack them too.
The Tundras had now started to target the ships launchpads making life very difficult for spacecraft coming in to refuel and rearm. All hope began to fade when a Chasm pilot rammed his ship into a Tev-9 barrel and destroyed it with a massive explosion.

The Admiral, now having lost almost half of his fleet of gunships, picked up the internal radio communicator.
"Attention my dear brothers, sisters, children and friends of the CSC Europa. This is your commander speaking" he began in his typical accent as large speakers broadcasted his voice throughout the ship.
"It seems the Ares had word of our special mission and will not stop at anything until they get their hands on that weapon. The weapon in question is the Lamplighter Arch-cannon, a weapon powerful enough to destroy entire solar systems with a few blasts and therefore I cannot allow the Ares to get their hands on it. Having said this, I want you to know that no mission is greater to me than your lives. I'm going to buy time from the Ares by offering a false surrender. That should be enough for you all to escape to the star-gate in the escape modules. Once you're all clear, I'll self-destruct the ship. It's been an honor serving with you."
The Admiral hadn't put down the mic when suddenly frantic messages began coming in from throughout the ship.
"This is Engine room, we prefer to die honorably than live like runaways! All 275 men and women of the engine compartment choose to die for the ship! We'll explode the engines if need be!"
"This is Weapons; you insult us by asking us to run like cowards! To glorious death!"
"Defense systems; we will not let you taste glory alone!"
"This is Tiger 2, not leaving you alone boss! Still fighting!"
Similar messages began to blare from everywhere including the space-borne gunships. Finally, lieutenant Phillips pulled out his particle sword and pointed it towards his commander.
"The weapon is safe in the weapon's vault. I've put a Mnemonic code to it; if anyone enters the wrong code thrice the ship and its cargo go boom. We'll not let them take us alive sir."
Tears streamed down the Admiral's face as he prepared for his final battle.
"If you have chosen to die with me, then let's give em something worth killing!" the Admiral screamed to emotional cheers by his devout crew.
The cheering had barely stopped when large numbers of red blips began to vanish from the radar screen. Everyone gazed in awe at the large comm screens.

"Damn straight! You're not going down so fast Admiral Watson!" blared a voice on the radio. Everyone looked on in amazement as a three ship flight comprising a large Manticore Heavy gunship, a Wolfen and a Molotok Bounty Hunter flew over the ship unleashing heavy MAG rounds and Lucifer missiles.
"Ah good golly! I know that voice!" The Admiral declared proudly as he pointed to the lime-green Molotok Bounty Hunter.
"C.S.C Europa, this is War-wolf lead. Heard you folks are having a party without us!." the Manticore pilot exclaimed.
"Copy that War-wolf, you couldn't have come a moment too soon!" The joyful comm officer replied.
"We're engaging enemies. Keep those Tev-9s trained on the Sandstorms, we're hitting at the Chasms and Tundras."
The trio joined up with the struggling Britannia and Centurion gunships and began to clean up the space around the carrier. The Wolfen was armed with an omnidirectional ion lancer and Lucifer missiles that tore through the Chasms and Tundras with ease. The Manticore and Molotok gunships both used heavy Mark V howitzers and MAG rounds.

After almost two more hours of intense dogfights the last of the Ares ships disappeared from the radar screens. The Admiral finally breathed a sign of relief as all the space-borne ships began to return to the crippled star-carrier.
All of the crew gathered on the flight decks and triumphant Britannia and Centurion pilots began to land their battle stricken space-craft. The Manticore, Molotok and Wolfen were the last ships to land.
Everyone cheered joyfully as the victorious pilots made their way into the large meeting hall on the ship. Admiral Watson waited anxiously and embraced every single pilot as he/she entered.
Finally a young woman in her thirties, wearing a skin-hugging Sanctuary Specter armor walked in. Behind her, two men in heavy armor also clunked in. One was in a heavy black Marauder armor*** and the other in a heavily modified Commonwealth Marine Armor.
Admiral Watson's jaw dropped as the trio's helmets collapsed into their respective armors. His hands immediately lifted to his foreheads to salute as did those of the others. Lieutenant Phillips looked on surprisingly.
"Sir? They're just lieutenants? Why are you saluting them?" he whispered. The Admiral looked back mockingly and picked up the mic.
"My fellow brethren, family of the Europa, I introduce to you Lieutenant commander of the Commonwealth fleet, Michael Anderson, son of Supreme Commander Anderson" he announced proudly pointing to the man in the modified marine armor. "And of course my own apprentice Tychus Edward Findley!" the Admiral announced pointing to the Marauder.

The men didn't smile or greet however, in fact their faces looked rather morbid. Upon seeing this the cheering immediately stopped. The young lady stepped forward to the Admiral.
"Admiral Watson I am Major November Caesar. I'd like to ask you and your crew some questions." the Wolfen pilot said firmly, not bothering about the rank difference.
"Questions?" the Admiral asked curiously as he looked towards Michael and Tychus.
Michael Anderson- a young bearded man, stepped forward towards the Admiral. "Yes Admiral, questions." he began.
"I'd like to know to who gave you information about the Charon Pirate Fortress?" he asked.
The Admiral's curiosity grew even more. "You don't know? We were given instructions from the Supreme Commander himself. Your father Michael." the Admiral replied. The young man stepped back in amazement.
"The Boss? Mikey?" Tychus- wearing in the Marauder suit, exclaimed in amazement. Michael ignored him and turned back to the Admiral. He stared morbidly at the thousands of crew members in the hall.

"The battle is not over sir. Rather, it has just begun. We captured a comm officer from the Pirate ship Kronosaur. He reported an Ares Phobos dreadnought and possibly some Deimos Destroyers tracking them to the Charon Fortress. We need to get this ship to safety or..." Michael was speaking but was suddenly interrupted by voice from the comm screen.
It was the same Ares pilot who had contacted them before the attack. This time he had his oxygen mask off. He was a grey haired man with a full beard and a glowing robotic right eye however this time he was not sitting in a cockpit- he was standing on the bridge of what appeared to be a large ship. Everyone stared towards the large screen.

"Young Michael speaks correctly Admiral Watson." he began in a heavy Russian accent. "We have been tracking your special cargo for quiet sometime. However I would like to inform you that my intentions are by no means malevolent. The weapon you are carrying will destroy my people and possibly your own if Decker and Anderson have their way." he finished. Everyone looked on in astonishment.
Michael then walked up to the screen and stared into the camera on the comm console.
"This weapon is to bring peace into human space. It is to unite all humans so we can open the quarantine that the aliens have imposed on human space!" he declared back to the laughing the man on the screen.
"Is that what 'The Boss' told you Michael? Is that what Decker told you too? Michael I'm offering you a wager- just to prove I mean no harm. You can destroy that weapon on board that ship and I'll let little Europa fly way to fight me another day. Otherwise, my fleet stands ready to sterilize the Point Juno System- first your pitiful carrier, then the Point Juno supply base. You're the Boss's son- your call. I'll give you time to decide." the old man replied firmly and vanished from the screen.

Michael turned around in his heavy suit and stared blankly at the occupants of the Europa. His friend Tychus looked anxiously at him, as did November. There was pin-drop silence in the hall and no one dared even to sneeze or cough. Michael stared at Tychus and Nova and after several more minutes he lifted his head to speak.
"Admiral, I need status of the repair droids. How much longer can we keep this ship fighting?" he asked glumly. The Admiral's face lit up and he smiled widely. Tychus and Nova also smiled happily.
"Not too long laddy but the Vault is secure. I'd say around five hours before the ship collapses." he replied.
"That's all the time in need. I'm going to need every single member of your crew." he replied.
"For what Michael?"
"To help defend Point Juno. Are you ready Admiral?" as Michael finished the entire crew broke into tumult. Everyone began to scream their allegiance to their father and demanded to be left on board to die with him. The Admiral turned around to his family.
"Michael and I will warp out right behind you. We'll be together again real soon my children. I need you all to go help defend Point Juno. We must protect that supply base. You know well that I can't live or die without you." The Admiral declared and strictly instructed everyone except lieutenant Phillips to head for the escape pods and any vacant gunship on deck. After much uproar, everyone did what they were told and slowly emptied the hall leaving just Michael, Nova. Tychus, the Admiral and his lieutenant in the hall.

Major November turned to the lieutenant and patted his shoulder.
"Program all escape pods and gunships to head directly for the Rigel Aurelius system. Commander Kate Morgental is waiting in the Battle Arena for them there- and disable any manual override systems." she said as the Admiral looked on proudly. "And you lieutenant are coming with us to Point Juno." she finished. The young man saluted and immediately ran off to the bridge.
The three then saluted the Admiral.
"I need you to keep that Phobos just busy enough for your crew to warp out. We'll stay and oversee the evacuation before jumping to Point Juno. It's been an honor Admiral Watson." Michael said to the Admiral.
"The honor has been all mine laddy! Thank you for saving my children. I'd like to speak to them once before they warp out." the Admiral replied proudly.
"Certainly Admiral. You owe it to them." November replied on behalf Michael who became busy with the comm console.
"Point Juno is broadcasting a distress signal. They're detecting a large fleet of Ares ships including Comet-falls. We need to leave right now. We need to conserve our munitions to assist Point Juno. I won't risk taking on a Phobos here. Admiral, please make it look convincing." Michael announced.

Tychus, who was quiet until now suddenly jumped out of his suit and embraced the Admiral- the impact flung the Admiral's hat off his head. He wept loudly and the Admiral allowed him into his arms.
"My father! My father! The Chariots and Horsemen of Starlton Eridanus!" he cried loudly.
"Ah! You take care of these kids Tychus. After all things left unsaid, I am very proud to have trained you." the Admiral beamed proudly as Tychus quietly stepped back into his suit.

After around five minutes lieutenant Phillips returned and reported all surviving crew members had been shifted to the escape pods. Michael then instructed lieutenant Phillips, Tychus and November to to report to their waiting gunships. The lieutenant did not bid farewell to his Admiral and hurried off towards the ships- Tychus and November followed. The Admiral looked somewhat surprised but breathed a final sigh of relief.
Michael turned on the Comm unit and the Phobos commander appeared on it.
"The honor of the Ares is known throughout the galaxy. Will you keep your honor Admiral Gorbachev?" Michael said-knowing full well who he was speaking to.
"Michael, you are ignorant of your father's wickedness. On the day you find find out you will want to kill him with your own hands but fate will not let you. I will not fire at the escape pods. I will not kill innocents. Admiral Watson my name is Admiral Vasily Gorbachev. You have shown nothing less than the greatest honor by sacrificing yourself for your crew. Do-Svidaniya Admiral- it shall be but the greatest of victories to bring down a great man such as yourself." the Phobos commander said and signed off before the admiral could respond.

Michael shook hands with the Admiral for the final time.
"The vault should remain safe. If the password is entered wrong more than three times it will explode the 5000 tonnes of enriched Americium coating. It will destroy everything within a 10 light minute radius of the ship. I know the Ares wont risk opening it. Matthew has the codes, make sure to come back with the fleet and recover it." the Admiral instructed Michael.
"I will do that sir. The C.S.C Europa will not be forgotten." Michael said and ran out. The Admiral also left the hall and returned to the bridge.

The Admiral instructed the ship's computer to aim the remaining Tev-9s at the approaching Phobos. He then pulled a small joystick like lever back on the command console.
Within seconds the 85 large escape pods on the Star-carrier ejected at supersonic speeds towards the star-gate. The old admiral picked up his mic-piece to speak to his crew for the last time.
"My dear children, if ever I had wanted anything from God, it was to serve with group of people like you. If ever I had a family of my own, it was you. From the young lads in the engine bays to the men and women serving with me on the bridge, I know you all by name- many of you since you were wee little children jumping in your parents' laps. I just want you to know that I love you all from the bottom of my old heart. I'm not denying you a glorious death, I gifting you a better future. Live life honorably and die with dignity. This is your ship! Tell your children about it, tell your grandchildren about it. Tell them the Europa fought and died for human space. Tell them about the sacrifices of your brothers and sisters.
Don't be land-lubbers! Stay in space!" The Admiral said emotionally and turned off the comm systems so that he didn't have to hear his crews' inevitable protests. The escape pods warped to light speed and sped off towards the star-gate.
The Wolfen, Manticore and Molotok were the last ships to leave. The Wolfen and Manticore warped away quickly but the Molotok stayed back and floated just in front of the bridge.
"I'm gonna pull out the asses of them Ares folks! I'm gonna expunge every single Ares from this galaxy even if I die trying! I will not let your death be in vain! My father! My father! The Chariots and Horsemen of Starlton Eridanus!" Tychus blared on the radio and vanished into the distance.

Soon afterwards the first shot of the Ares Plasma Arch-cannon pummeled into the starboard side of the ship. The Admiral laughed and waited anxiously to get the Phobos in view before firing.
"Arr! Curse ye! Let loose the Tev-9s!" the Admiral mocked at the humongous Phobos Dreadnought.
"Aye Captain! Particle beams away!" a voice screamed from the back of the bridge- shaking the Admiral to his bones. Lieutenant Matthew Phillips pulled a large lever and the ship's remaining 3 Tev-9 blasters began to fire continuous bursts of particle beams at the Phobos.
"What the bloody hell are you doing here!?" the Admiral was about the punch his second in command.
"Living life is no fun unless you get a glorious death. Let's give them hell father!" the lieutenant laughed and embraced his commander. "I've told them the codes. They'll come back."
"Take out that bottle of Scotch Matty. My father gave it to me to drink on me last day. There's no better person in the world to share it than you!" The Admiral laughed and both men merrily drank their full.

The ship started to get pounded by round after round of the arch-cannon followed by bursts of ion beams from the Phobos' lightening turrets. Lieutenant Phillips pulled on the four engines for full thrust and headed straight for a collision course with the Phobos. Two Ares Deimos class destroyers also warped in and began their barrage of ion streams and thermonuclear howitzer shells- one headed directly for the bridge.
Admiral Frederick Watson and Lieutenant Matthew Phillips gave a wide smile to the approaching howitzer warhead and clucked their glasses to cheer.


Many people say that you can hear the war cries of Admiral Watson and Lieutenant Phillips when you enter Point Juno. Many have even seen apparitions of the Europa.
This is Captain Edward Smith of the Titanic- This is the image I had for Admiral Watson
This is Captain Edward Smith of the Titanic- This is the image I had for Admiral Watson
Edward_J._Smith.jpg (123.86 KiB) Viewed 20142 times
This is roughly what I think the Phobos commander ought to look like. PLEASE NOTE:- This is the image of a Battle-cruiser commander from Starcraft.
This is roughly what I think the Phobos commander ought to look like. PLEASE NOTE:- This is the image of a Battle-cruiser commander from Starcraft.
BCcapt.jpg (81.84 KiB) Viewed 20142 times
Last edited by MikeAngora on Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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Militia Captain
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Salute. A true tale of bravery! Now when I look at the Europa again, I'll not see it as a victim of war, but a graveyard of heroes who went straight to Avalon! Requiscant In Pace!

Btw they had a fleet of Mk 5 howitzers and they got scared by Phobos :/
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TheLoneWolf wrote:Salute. A true tale of bravery! Now when I look at the Europa again, I'll not see it as a victim of war, but a graveyard of heroes who went straight to Avalon! Requiscant In Pace!

Btw they had a fleet of Mk 5 howitzers and they got scared by Phobos :/
Point Noted- I've proof-read it again and made some minor changes in the plot.

*** Only the Manticore and Molotok had Mark V but they still couldn't risk taking on a Phobos because they needed to get back and protect point Juno.
Also, I've limited the howitzer munitions a ship can carry (unlike in the game) because one we cant carry an unlimited number of shells and two because it helps as a plot device; you know, 'a lone pilot with his last Mark V round"? sort of thing.

"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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Damn you Mike... This trully awesome fiction, I even want read again. Not two times, but four times!
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MikeAngora wrote:
TheLoneWolf wrote: Btw they had a fleet of Mk 5 howitzers and they got scared by Phobos :/
Point Noted- I've proof-read it again and made some minor changes in the plot.

I've limited the howitzer munitions a ship can carry (unlike in the game) because one we cant carry an unlimited number of shells and two because it helps as a plot device; you know, 'a lone pilot with his last Mark V round"? sort of thing.

Yeah I've noted that limited ammo thing. Nice addition! How much estimate? In the game, it would have been impossible for "a large number of red blips", Ares, to vansih from Lucifers and Mags. Sandstorms can, but mf*ing Chasms and Tundras? That thing doesn't digest. Also, you can ignore me. I'm an Ares fanboy :D I was once swarmed and killed by 10 sands, 8 tunds, and 6 chasms. I had a Mk 5 howit. And Diamond armour. That aside, I agree with DigaRW. What you are writing is awesome. I check in here every hour or so for an update! Ty for awesome story and best of luck for newer chapters! Moreover, that last drinks addition is awesome!
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DigaRW wrote:Damn you Mike... This trully awesome fiction, I even want read again. Not two times, but four times!
Thanks Dig!!!
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
Militia Lieutenant
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TheLoneWolf wrote:
MikeAngora wrote:
TheLoneWolf wrote: Btw they had a fleet of Mk 5 howitzers and they got scared by Phobos :/
Point Noted- I've proof-read it again and made some minor changes in the plot.

I've limited the howitzer munitions a ship can carry (unlike in the game) because one we cant carry an unlimited number of shells and two because it helps as a plot device; you know, 'a lone pilot with his last Mark V round"? sort of thing.

Yeah I've noted that limited ammo thing. Nice addition! How much estimate? In the game, it would have been impossible for "a large number of red blips", Ares, to vansih from Lucifers and Mags. Sandstorms can, but mf*ing Chasms and Tundras? That thing doesn't digest. Also, you can ignore me. I'm an Ares fanboy :D I was once swarmed and killed by 10 sands, 8 tunds, and 6 chasms. I had a Mk 5 howit. And Diamond armour. That aside, I agree with DigaRW. What you are writing is awesome. I check in here every hour or so for an update! Ty for awesome story and best of luck for newer chapters! Moreover, that last drinks addition is awesome!
LOL yea, when I went back to the game and raided an Ares shipyard -the Tundras and Chasms disappearing in front of Mark Vs was bit of an over shot.
Not ignoring you one bit mate- your inputs have been very 'constructively beneficial' to say the least.
Big thanks for reading it. I was actually just playing around with this whole thing during my office breaks and wasn't exactly expecting anyone to read it.
So yeh!

"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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MikeAngora wrote:
LOL yea, when I went back to the game and raided an Ares shipyard -the Tundras and Chasms disappearing in front of Mark Vs was bit of an over shot.
Not ignoring you one bit mate- your inputs have been very 'constructively beneficial' to say the least.
Big thanks for reading it. I was actually just playing around with this whole thing during my office breaks and wasn't exactly expecting anyone to read it.
So yeh!

You serious? This thing is awesome! Your fanfic is like a drug. It keeps me addicted for long!

And I believe that a person must post fun (and/or) constructive comments or none at all!

Good luck mate!
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I have an idea for your fanfic, why you didn't post it in Wattpad?
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DigaRW wrote:I have an idea for your fanfic, why you didn't post it in Wattpad?

I'd love some ideas to improve my story. Could you tell me whats Wattpad?

"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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Wattpad is place to create a Electronic Books (E-books) but you must online to read them, however you can add a book to your library and you can read offline (Only work in Android).
You will need create an account to log in, and then you can start build a books (story).
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