Should I redo thses mods?

Freeform discussion about anything related to modding Transcendence.

I had been working on a few minor and one major extension over the last week and a bit. Unfortunately, three days ago I contracted a Norton Hunter-Killer worm while upgrading from NIS 2005 to NIS 2006. To cut a long story short (or at least... less long) I had to reformat my hard drive two hours ago and reinstall Windows. :cry:

Anyway, now that I've shared my pain, it's time to get back on the horse.

Basically I would like a few of you to review the ideas behind some of the mods I had done and advise me as to whether I should bother doing them again.

--- Kytryn Launcher Extension ---

Firstly, I had a Kytryn launcher extension that introduced a new virtual unknown - including 26 new unknown names... amorphous, ephemeral, variegated, zoolitic... to think I backed them up so nothing would happen to them - next time I should back them up to a disc and not another folder, huh?

...Sorry for that little tangent.

Anyway, rather than link them to the Plasma Pods - which would have ended with unknown ammo being loaded into the launcher - I linked them to a new &it, a Kytryn launcher magazine. To load (i.e: Invoke), the mag, you had to have an installed Kytryn launcher. Doing the Invoke created 12 Plasma pods using the Chief's previously established 'ammo box' global and did an objSetKnown on the 'box' to identify it.

As for buying the items, I had to change the Ringer Shipyard a little. I group chanced the launcher with 2d2 (2-4) boxes with a 40% chance (10% lower than the Transcendence.xml), so that if the launcher was available there would always be ammo for it, and gave an 80% chance of another single box.

Except for the change to stRingerShipyard, the extension would have created no conflicts with other extensions.

--- Absolute Sorting Extension ---

This was a fairly big extension that I was only about 20% of the way into. It isn't called that out of some sense of grandeur, but simply so that it would load pretty much first (unless somebody had a mod like: Aaron's Wonderful Ship), so that any other extensions would just replace the items in question without conflict.

I had it set up for example:

010.Gun.020.Laser, Fast-firing

Where it equalled:

Main Sort - 000 Quest tems like the Stargate Control Rod
010 Weapons
020 Ammo

Sub Sort - Gun

Level - 010, 020, 030, (you get the idea)

Final Sort - Alphabetical

I will probably do something like this anyway for myself, but I figured of asking if anybody wants something like this and if so, whether they have any suggestions. For instance, I was thinking of sorting the weapons by damage type (according to the shield/armour logs) between the sub-sort and the level.

--- NAMI Mine Launcher Invoke ---

I wasn't having any luck creating a mine launcher to change from shooting forwards to backwards and the reverse. You can easily have one start that way with <Configuration>, but with an Invoke... Any ideas?

--- Debugs ---

Finally I had my only little debug items as do we all. All with their own debugOnly tags so that they would only load with the /debug switch as a command line parameter. In my case it was:

A 'Quarantine Zone' database - a mnemonic cube that was a 'depository for all the data collated by the Luminous AI since its inception'. It was there simply for me to place on my Debug Ship to learn the stats and descriptions of any unknown items for whatever reason.

Yes, my beautiful Cometfall with which I tested so many things. Like trying to take on the Iocrym Command Ship with an Enhanced Penitent Cannon... it worked marvelously on the shields, but after that... I think you know the result.

Finally, and worst of all, I had entered in EVERY b#$*dy item in the game into a revised version of the DebugDepot to facilitate testing my new sort patterns. Aaaaaaargh!

Calm now.

Sorry for this long winded post. Thanks for letting me vent.

I hope for some mutually beneficial return posts.

P.S: And yes, before anybody says it first - I will be backing up to disc or CD!
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:oops: wasn't logged in properly above...
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Sounds nice, I'll post about the mods when I've had a moment to think of a problem :P

If you want to back stuff up, get a google mail account, and a firefox extension which allows you too use it as an FTP database. With nearly 3GBs of storage, you should be able to save the important stuff
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Thanks for taking the time to post at all, Thom. By the way, is there a database on either your site or the Unofficial forums that lists what unregistered UNID's are already in use?

As for the backup, my wife does a similar thing with her uni thesis' (theses? what is the plural...) I've just got so many different projects going on I get... what's the right word... LAZY. :lol:

Oh, and don't forget to find something wrong with the above extensions. I'd feel neglected otherwise.
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The unofficial idea is to take your member number, convert it into hex, and add that after 0xD. Since that was for the UTF member numbers, if here we use the member number after 0xE, they won't clash. You can claim your number, so if anyone else is using it, you have priority.

This should work because in general people who publish mods belong to the forum, so we shouldn't have clashes using this system. Not everyone does though, which I think is silly, as I like the system :wink:
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Beautiful. Simplicity itself.

So just to confirm, I'm not registered at UTF, but here I'm member 46, so my mod UNID's should begin E02E, correct?
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Sure. Considering I just made up the OTF E system, you will be the only one using it at present. But the more people we get using it, the better it will be, and the less clashes. We already had one clash of UNIDs at the UTF since people didn't use their member numbers. It is unlikely, but it does happen. We may as well stop it now.
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Thom, I sent you an evaluation version of the Kytryn mod the other day, but you probably haven't had a chance to look.

I've cleaned all the debug stuff out of it and done the 26 unknown names so it's ready for public use now. I just want to triple check it once more and then it'll be winging its way to you.
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For UNIDs, am I allowed to use both the OTF 0xE and the UTF 0xD at the same time?

Also, did you know there is a hex translator thingy in Wndows calculator?
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Yugi: Sure, why not. There are plenty of UNIDs to go around, just don't get confused. It might be better if you stuck with your original one (less chance of a clash), but ther's no reason why you can't.

Vasdema: I got the emails, and I'm very sorry that I haven't replied yet. I'm not ignoring you, I just don;t have the will power to plow through long texts and codes at the moment - I've just finished all my coursework, now I have to start revision, and I've just come down with flu, so I feel crap. I hope you accept my appology, and I'll get around to you at some point.

Same goes for your mods Yugi - they will be up at some point, but I just can't bear playing around with all the syntax right now. I need a holiday...
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Same goes for your mods Yugi - they will be up at some point, but I just can't bear playing around with all the syntax right now. I need a holiday...
Sure thing. I've been like a mod factory lately, hunh?
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No apology needed, buddy. You host the community's mods and maintain the website for free. If I was complaining about a delay, I'd need a swift, hard kick up the rear.

When you get around to them though, save yourself some time and just delete the unzipped debug version. The second email with the zipped folder containing the readme and the extension has had all the extraneous stuff cut away.

As for your studies, I remember reading something about you doing your Masters at the moment in another thread or on UTF. My wife's doing her honours year for Enviro Management at the moment and she's already taken up permanent residence in Stress City. I can only imagine the pressure for you.

So take care man and I hope you feel better soon.
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Thanks a lot :) I'm not doing my master's just yet - got the A-levels to finish first - but I've still got a fair deal on. I'm taking tomorrow off - I decided that when I can't actually think longer then 5 seconds before I sneeze or cough it out, it's probably best to stay at home. Thanks for the support.

And Yugi, you have been a powerhouse. I may as well give you the FTP password and let you upload them yourself :wink:
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Wouldn't the modsite look a bit strange if it was inundated with Fichikai mods? I guess i'd have to make some non-Fichikai mods to balance it out. But then 80% of the mods there will be mine....
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Hey, just a comment to the OP -- I have some paranoia about offsite backups, since my HD began making intermittent funny noises. I found a cool opensource project called Fullsync. It hasn't been updated in a while, but it gets the job done. I have it set to silently mirror a few important directories (one is my Transcendence folder!) between my desktop and the laptop I take to school. Not only do I not have to worry if my HD crashes or my laptop gets stolen; the work I do at school magically appears on the desktop and vice-versa. If you don't have another computer, the GMail drive or Firefox Gmail FTP extension are good ideas, but the easiest thing to do is have a separate local drive to backup to.

Anyway, not a plug or anything, but something small and simple that just synchronizes new or updated files is really handy to have around, and it took me a while to find a free one. Hopefully, the advice will help somebody.
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