I'll model ships for you for free

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H Iris
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I use Blender{renders and models}, anim8or{good model's not so good renderer} and SketchUp {for those large pictures of items (guns/mines/new upgrades)}
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I use 3ds max for my modelling/rendering. I've used blender before but I'm a bit rusty lately, and I have maya which I'm trying to get myself into. Anyway Psycholosis, pm me with your ship design and I'll see if I'm interested.
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Ringman wrote:I use 3ds max for my modelling/rendering...
I use Max too; still use Max 8, I haven't felt comfortable w/ upgrading, especially since the app has apparently been split up into at least 2 specialty areas. Render w/ mentalray.
Sometimes I find it easier (and quicker) to make .obj meshes w/ Wings3d to import into Max for rendering. It's a 1:1 size ratio too 8)

I've been mulling over making an entire 'sovereign':
- fleet of 5? ships, not sure about # of unique ships as of yet. Maybe more than 5, with a few graphic 'variations' for small ships, 2 mediums? and a cap. ship...maybe a 'special' cap. ship as well.
- outpost, stronghold, fortress stations.
- dock screens: I make humanoid models too, and all sorts of items (I do arch viz for a living).
I use Poser humans and content a lot of times; when I'm strapped for time or don't have incentive; but can make/rig my own if it's worth the effort. I don't really care for Poser content (very high poly counts); but it can save a lot of time.

Any ideas?
I was working w/ someone from The Unofficial Transcendence Forum a while back; but the plans petered out.
I've always wanted to make a sovereign that can at least mostly fit into the Transcendence universe as far as game balance goes.
Maybe a home system(s) mod can fit in there too. I could make planets, stars, and whatnot also.
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Lol, I'm trying to avoid being the idea man at this point. I'm just trying to be the workhorse at the moment. So I can get used to modelling for a "client" and not myself.
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Dvlenk, I love your work. I'm using your stations as placeholders for the Alcurean fleet while I figure out my own design. I've tried to use Solidworks for modeling because I got it for free but I don't think my computer is powerful enough..
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Questions in need of an answer:
  1. A Friend of Foe?
  2. Miltiarily significant or not?
  3. Agressive or Passive?
  4. Can you work for them and progress through their ranks?
  5. Specialist weapons or items?
I'll come up with some more detailed Ideas but these are the basis for any good design.

After these questions have been answered then history, aligences and Techlevel/services can be fleshed out but If we were going to do this right we need to teke into account the whole in the transcendence univeerses cultures.
  1. Ringer alied mining race (as they dont like the Ferian Miners)
  2. Culture that buy's the Sung's slaves
  3. ?? Neo-Nazi seperatists (this may be a sensitive topc so any objections and I'll remove it)
  4. an ancient Race. (ooh think if there bad then how much they would be pro-xenocide (we are the cosmic equivilent of rabbits after all)
Looking forward to any other sujestions as this whole flesh up an ide is one of my favourite activitys (am working on my own sovereign as we speak)
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You guys go ahead and start a new thread, if you come up with any ideas for a complete sovereign; so we don't hijack this thread from it's intended purpose.
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I'm all self taught and I started with Max so its hard to break myself away from it. Luckily when I start taking classes in this they'll be using Maya and not Max forcing me to branch out. What are the advantages of using Wings 3d? I've also considered moving over to ZBrush as well, so many different programs to learn, but at least the basic idea behind most of them is still similar.
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Ringman wrote:...What are the advantages of using Wings 3d?
It is a small app, polygon modeling only, meaning that there isn't much to learn with it. It has a pretty simplistic (programmable) hot key arrangement that is quick and easy to memorize. It has some very handy tools for quick polygon modeling too.
It has very nice uv mapping tools, though it cannot layer uvs.
Basically, it is a very streamlined polygon modeler that is really quick, and ideal for making low poly cages. It does have a certain poly count limit (~500,000 for me, on a 8GB, 8core machine) after which it starts bogging down.
Speed is the main advantage, due to the simplicity of the app.
EDIT - the viewport controls can be configured to work in 'Max' or 'Maya', and some other, modes, so that don't have to memorize additional viewport control keys and clicks.
Ringman wrote:...I've also considered moving over to ZBrush as well, so many different programs to learn...
ZBrush is a non linear 'sculpting' application. I can handle about 1.25 gigapoly models in it. Fantastic app. for modeling minute details. ZBrush is pretty useless for linear modeling, at least compared to even a mediocre typical polygon modeler. It is THE BEST organic modeler, IMO.
Modo appears to be making some serious progress in that area too; and Modo is a superb polygon modeler. Pretty expensive though.
The ZBrush sub-d surface models themselves are kind of useless outside of ZBrush; but the super high poly surfaces can be rendered into displacement and/or normal maps that can then be used in any renderer that supports either of those.
ZBrush displacements work very nicely with Reyes (micro polygon, like mental ray material) subdivision.
You can then work, and do your animations, with low polygon models...render with highly detailed displacement/normal maps. :D
Using the displacement modifier is 'progressive subdivision' meaning that your model will have the same poly count as the ZBrush displacement model had to get the same detail level...NOT advisable.
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Ill take it to a new topic,

I wont hijack any more :oops:
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H Iris wrote::(
Ill take it to a new topic,

I wont hijack any more :oops:
I meant that I was hijacking the thread... :lol:
And it would be easier if there was a dedicated thread.
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lol.. you hijackers back off! We are trying to put Ringman to work here. :P

I do hope you will do some of the large ships for Psycholis. I really liked the paper fleet, and would love to see some development into 3D.

I need some high tech items, if you find the spare time.

Just take a look at the base Items for the game, and expand upon them: for instance- some devices would be grand, reactors, shields and more guns especially.

Another thing that could be a lot of fun would be some stations and station screens for dockscreen use.
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Actually something I'd really like to do, after I check these "assignments" out is a little guy in a space suit with a gun. He could be dropped out of ships after they explode, or be sent out to loot from others. I just recently made a character model that I could modify for just such a purpose:


Obviously ignore the coat, but I can re- use this body type and add a backpack change the color scheme and redesign the helmet for a space helmet give him a gun and voila. What do you guys think?
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I think you have a bright future. :)
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