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Militia Lieutenant
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I don't know if someone already suggest it but...
...Would not be cool a part of the adventure, of the Part II, or foward, that the player could play online to join forces with other players, in a "all-out-war" against a Iocrym invasion fleet or a Ares fleet?

I'm not talking about playing the entire adventure with a army of other players, but could found players in some sistems, such as St. Kats, Eridani, Charon...
...And some sistems is status of "All-out-war", with huge fleets battling, that a player alone could hardly pass...
Each of those sistems with a limited number of max player....

And if possible, a coop mod, that 2~4 players could help each-others on the adventure, such as Wing mans, but, smarter...
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Multiplayer for Transcendence has been talked about, and it's not likely that Transcendence will have multiplayer as it would probably be too much work. And a mod that enables Co-op would be a hassle to program and I doubt you can enable online with just a mod. It would be nice to have a group of players work together to help each other progress through the world but George would have to mess with Transcendence's code. And its not going to happen unfortunately.
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FM3VP is right, the only way to make any sort of multiplayer/coop would require months of work for george, and a rewrite of the trans engine, i doubt that will be happing any tie in the foreseeable future. sorry
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Militia Lieutenant
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even if it was only in "LAN" mode?

<!--We could use Hamachi -->
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Lan mode makes not difference, nor does hamachi.
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Militia Lieutenant
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I spoke about hamachi 'cause it would replace the need of paid servers...
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Using LAN mode is the same as using Hamachi and Online. George would need to screw with the whole code in order to implement LAN, multiplayer, whatever you want. And Hamachi has a limited amount of users on one network unless you pay to get more slots. So you would STILL need to pay for more slots.
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