Swivel Weapons Platforms

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 Keep them in their own separate non-MMJ mod, please. I’m trying to keep the Monthly Mod Jams from reusing existing material.

Mod prefixes: 0xA010 (registered) and 0xDCC8 (miscellaneous)

My mods on Xelerus: Click here!

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AssumedPseudonym wrote: Keep them in their own separate non-MMJ mod, please. I’m trying to keep the Monthly Mod Jams from reusing existing material.
Thanks for the answer. Will do!
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Nice mod. So this makes all light weapons partially omnidirectional? I don't have the time right now to check it out for myself, but I'll be sure to download it in the morning :)
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Here's 0.19 alpha:
d064_SwivelWeaponsPlatforms 0.19 alpha.zip
(14.64 KiB) Downloaded 531 times

Changed the powerUse of the Atalanta and Spartan from 1 MW to 2 MW at the suggestion of relanat.

Added a speed:133 reduction back to the Apollo under the assumption that omni for a launcher should be worth +100% like omni is for any other weapon.

Changed the Hermes so that it also adds swivel to launchers. Did this for two reasons: (1) A ship with linked-fire weapons should not have its weapons enhanced at the expense of its launcher, and (2) the Transcendence 1.7 alpha 1 omni balance equation equates a 60 degree swivel with a 40% enhancement; since the the Atalanta and Spartan enhancers both deliver 40% enhancement to main weapons as well as to launchers, the Hermes should do something similar.

Added the FreightersAndMore attribute to all devices.
Peter wrote:Nice mod. So this makes all light weapons partially omnidirectional? I don't have the time right now to check it out for myself, but I'll be sure to download it in the morning :)
Yep! Let me know what you think, especially if you have suggestions for how I can improve the mod.
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EI500's going to love this.
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This is pretty nice.
I like how everything has an effect which scales with the equipment you use.
It's a heck of a lot better balanced than my 'make everything omni because reasons' thing. :P

That everything is split across multiple devices is kind of a pain, but that's just forcing the player to make a choice as for what to prioritise.
Regardless of how 'balanced' they are, speed enhancers are amazingly satisfying and fun to use. Especially with already fast weapons like Shuriken and Lancer.
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pip wrote:That everything is split across multiple devices is kind of a pain, but that's just forcing the player to make a choice as for what to prioritise.
Regardless of how 'balanced' they are, speed enhancers are amazingly satisfying and fun to use. Especially with already fast weapons like Shuriken and Lancer.
Thanks for the feedback! Let me know if there's anything I can do to improve the devices.

AssumedPseudonym had an interesting suggestion on IRC: reduced swivel for multi-slot weapons (see below). What do people think? I'll probably implement the suggestion if I don't hear any feedback.
[10:30] <+AssumedPseudonym> Take the number of slots the weapon uses into account, so that it doesn’t give as much swivel (or possibly any at all) to multi-slot weapons.
[10:31] <gunship256> And if you want to give all ships in the game weapon mass dependent swivel, I won't complain
[10:31] <gunship256> Multi-slot weapons should be more massive, so they should already get less swivel
[10:32] <gunship256> Do you think swivel should be dependent on the number of slots but not on mass
[10:32] <+AssumedPseudonym> Both.
[10:32] <gunship256> I'm still thinking on this one. The only feedback I have is from Watson and relanat
[10:32] <+RPC> huh, I was thinking of just modifying the <item on the ships and give them swivel based on ship size
[10:32] <+AssumedPseudonym> For example:
[10:32] <+RPC> but weapons swivel is something else to look into
[10:32] <+AssumedPseudonym> Both the CLAW and the Urak mass driver are six tons.
[10:32] <+AssumedPseudonym> But the CLAW takes two slots.
[10:32] <gunship256> Oh, I see
[10:34] <gunship256> I've been thinking about weapon masses in the game, actually
[10:34] <gunship256> The masses themselves may actually be unbalanced
[10:34] <+AssumedPseudonym> So, something like, (setq swivelAmount (/ swivelAmount (max 1 (itmGetProperty theItem 'deviceSlots)))) or some such.
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gunship256 wrote:
Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:48 am
I made some changes and updated the download link in the original post. Here's a summary:

Increased the amount of swivel for the swivel weapons platform. The ReadMe file now goes through the calculations that justify the equation calculating swivel amount.

Fixed a bug where swivel was only working on one side of the ship.

Renamed the devices using names from Greek mythology to make it easier to remember which device is which.


I recalculated the amount of swivel for the swivel weapons mount using the following reasoning:

Assume that weapon DPS doubles every two levels. Using geometric progression, the DPS increase should be 41% per level.

Assume that a plain weapon enhancer improves DPS by 1 level, or 41%. The enhancers in the vanilla game only work on certain types of weapons, which would explain why the DPS increase is 50% to 75%, with the exception of the high-speed howitzer loader. Since a swivel weapon enhancer works on all kinds of weapons, the average enhancement for a light weapon should be around 41%.

Assume that an omni weapon is 2.5 times as powerful as a non-omni weapon, all other things being equal. Assume a linear relationship between the degree of swivel and how powerful a weapon is. In other words, making a weapon omni would be equivalent to a 150% enhancement, and making a weapon swivel through a 180 degree arc would be equivalent to a 75% enhancement. To get a 41% enhancement, the weapon would need to swivel through a (360*0.41/1.5) = 98 degree arc.

Since the degree of swivel decreases with a more massive weapon, the swivel enhancer can be thought of as a light weapon enhancer. Only light weapons should receive a 98 degree swivel. Assume that a 3 ton weapon, which is the mass of a typical light weapon, should receive that degree of swivel. Also assume that a hypothetical weapon with a mass of zero should receive a 360 degree swivel and that the amount of swivel should asymptote to zero as weapon mass approaches infinity.

This gives us a hyperbolic relationship:

s = 404/(m + 1.122)

s = swivel arc, in degrees
m = weapon mass, in tons

The swivel on the left and right side would each be half of the total, so the equation would be s = 202/(m + 1.122) for swivel on each side. If weapon mass is given in kilograms, the expression changes to 202000/(m + 1122).

Based on this relationship, the following swivel arcs result for typical vanilla weapons:

Laser cannon (mass = 1 ton) 190 degrees
Turbolaser (mass = 1.5 tons) 154 degrees
Dual turbolaser (mass = 3 tons) 98 degrees
Moskva 33 repeater (mass = 4 tons) 79 degrees
Mark III howitzer (mass = 5 tons) 66 degrees
Fusionfire (mass = 6 tons) 57 degrees
Ares Plasma Archcannon (mass = 10 tons) 36 degrees

I am also thinking side specific of recent (bump't into of recent a "Side-Mounted Mark V Howitzer" in part so wanna also put in Link'd fired)
-As in terms of side a right mounted 295 - 145 degree arc and the Left mounted would be angled for 215 - 35 degree arc Smart Gun but preset; I assume your thinking of a 2 layer to insert a weapon into sort like a using a bonus type rom on a weapon or something more independent like it's an actual mount/hardpoint?
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